Firstly I would like to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, let us hope that everything around us starts to settle down and we are soon able to conduct our lives in a more normal fashion. This may sound easier than in practise but hopefully a vaccine will gradually become more widely available as time goes by.

The New Year brings with it a new string to my working Bow. I have recently been undertaking a course as a Retrofit Assessor. All homes that require energy retrofit work will have to be assessed by a qualified Retrofit Assessor, such assessors collect and provide data and information from a property which a Retrofit Coordinator will be able to use to develop a relevant improvement plan for the property.

This enables me to undertake retrofit assessments in accordance with PAS 2035. What is PAS 2035?, well, basically, the New Publicly Available Specification that lays out all retrofit energy efficient enhancements to the UKs existing housing stock.

We will all be hearing a great deal about making the UKs housing stock much more energy efficient as the Government strives to meet its targets relating to Statutory National targets. PAS 2035 forms a vital part of this initiative.

A retrofit assessor will base their assessment on a number of criteria.
An occupancy assessment, an energy assessment and a condition assessment. All the data will be used by a coordinator to prepare an improvement plan for the individual property. He or she will then, in due course, commission the installer to undertake the necessary work. The coordinator will work in the property owner’s best interest, at all times, throughout the work.