The frantic activity within the residential sales market prior to Christmas has calmed down somewhat and whilst there are still a reasonable number of new instructions reaching the market the numbers are significantly less than they were during the October to December period. Sales remain relatively strong for the right property at the right price. Rural homes are in great demand with buyers seeking a more open aspect and, in general, more spacious gardens.
Lockdown has had an impact on every business but the Estate Agents have remained open, all be it, behind closed doors and they continue to operate under strict guidelines which may mean that prospective buyers will be restricted in time and numbers able to view property. As long as agents continue to adhere to the guidelines the property market should remain active for the duration.
The last quarter of the year saw a significant reduction in the number of instructions relating to boundary issues and also the preparation of Land Registry compliant plans. This work has picked up recently and I have been fortunate to pick up jobs as far away as Montgomery for a land registry job on behalf of a local solicitor.
Boundary matters are often a delicate issue and it is not always possible to resolve matters amicably between parties. Having an accurate plan is key to easing this difficulty and also clear identification of boundaries and who is responsible for maintenance and upkeep is an important issue to establish between parties. I have recently been asked to prepare a boundary report on a property which is on the market. New boundary lines are to be established between adjoining properties and the buyer has requested that measurements be added to plans to clarify the identification and position of the boundary. Based on this information the solicitor / conveyancer can then prepare a suitable boundary agreement between the parties and hopefully significantly reduce the likelihood of an expensive boundary issue in the future. Photographs are an important element of any report at this stage as they can give much more information than any number of words. All being well both parties will be comfortable with any agreement once finalised.